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Welcome to the Free Tools that take you from ordinary to extraordinary
First I invite you to read the story about how i learned the secret I am about to tell you – the hard way. Warning: I go straight to the core. And it´s no fairy tale. At least not without me taking feminine leadership for co-creating a vivable continuation. The point being: sometimes the impossible that you have to make possible is not what you think. But you can still do it! If I can, you can too. Read on if you dare facing the raw truth of how life is not always a dance on roses. The crisis I am about to tell you about is a mirror of the bigger crisis we face as humans in this era. And in times of crisis, what makes the difference between going up or down is leadership. And for women not any kind of leadership: feminine leadership.
The story that taught me the secret I want to share with you:
How to Survive the Unsurvivable
Next, here is the secret no one else talks about.
Yet it is so important to know.
Myths & Truths about
“There´s Nothing You Can´t Be, Do or Have”
Transformative Visualisation to Access
Unlimited Creativity
Simple Movements that Open
New Doors in your Brain and Life
If you are interested in becoming masterful at making the seemingly impossible possible for yourself, others and the world,
please look out for my unique Feminine Leadership Training, starting once a year.
Greetings Si-star
First of all: thank you so much for stopping by and claiming your free gift. I hope you will actually check it out.
What distinguishes ordinary people from the extraordinary people in the 21st Century is not so much who has access to information, but who uses it.
So I encourage you to give yourself the benefit of taking advantage of these insights and tools – they have created miracles for myself and countless others.
Who I am – and what you and I (probably) have in common
I am Kirsten Stendevad, born in Copenhagen, Denmark where I live now after having spent half of my life outside of Scandinavia.
I am the author of 7 trendsetting books, most sofar in Scandinavian languages, amongst them Motherhood as a Career Booster, The new Career Dad, The Millionairess Method and The Future is Feminine.
I am the mother of three, two on Earth, one in Heaven.
I believe what you and I have in common is our desire for positive change.
We sense there is something “more”.
We are exited to live in the era of the rise of the divine feminine.
We would like to Master Feminine Power & Leadership.
And we feel a responsibility to take co-leadership for manifesting a world that works for all.
What I can do for you
I can teach you all the tools that have made the seemingly impossible possible for me.
I have used my unique collection of feminine leadership tools, gathered from all over the world for the past 20 years to make “impossible” dreams like the following ones come true:
- Traveling the world for 2 years from the age of 18-20
- Living my dream as a US correspondent in New York City for 10 years
- Being a host on a National live Tv show at the age of 25
- Marry the love of my life, a man (of now 23 years) who “forces” me to grow every day
- Having three extraordinary children, the last one (naturally) at the age of 43.
- Creating several bestsellers along the way
- Living my life purpose as a transformational teacher and leader (since 2003)
- Living in my dream house (with garden in the middle of the capital Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Having the best network of inspiring people
- Surviving and even thriving after the insurvivable: the death of my beloved 7 year old son
- Feeling healthy, vital, juicy and ageless at 50.
What you can´t find anywhere else…
Many people teach feminine leadership, thank goddess: it´s whats needed on the planet now.
What distinguishes me is:
- I have a Scandinavian perspective. I come from one of the most equity oriented societies on the planet and can share both our best practises, shortcomings and cutting edge insights with you.
- I have lived the feminine truth of life-death-and-rebirth like few others
- I have 25 years experience in the field of personal leadership and 15 years experience as a transformational leader.
- I have lived most of the aspects of the feminine vs the teachers who are not yet life partners, mothers and “elders”
- I am 100% dedicated to leadership based on the feminine model – this is my soul purpose, nothing less
- I have studied the feminine and the relationship between yin, yang and leadership in depth as the author of the (upcoming) book The Future is Feminine – 7 Pillars of 21st Century Leadership that take You and Your Business from Great to Extraordinary
- I include men in my teachings. I teach both sexes how to integrate the feminine without losing the masculine muscles. I also teach both men and women how to collaborate and create the loving unity so many of us long for.
If you want to learn more…
Contact me for a personal consultation about whether my Feminine Leadership Training is a perfect match for you: info@kirstenstendevad.com
Kirsten Stendevad
Founder and SHE-EO Illumina International